Year in Review-Top Posts for 2023

As 2023 comes to a close, I thought it would be fun to review the top 5 blog posts for Shifted Arrow Yoga & Wellness. It is always interesting to see what resonates with people. Looking at the top 5, I see that we all seek to find balance in our lives. We want to find ways to improve our overall health…mentally, physically, and emotionally. We want to be a good person and do the best that we can with the finite time we have on this earth.

Whether you have or have not read the blogs below, I would encourage you to read them. I know when I read something for the second time, especially at a different stage or season in my life, I catch something I missed before. Or maybe as you review the 2023 top posts, you realize you have incorporated something you read into your life already and didn’t even realize it! And if it’s the first time or you’re reading it with a beginner’s mindset, you may want to reflect on what you want to bring from what you read into the new year.

Top Blogs for 2023:

Mental Health Benefits of Exercise

Our bodies were made to move! Unfortunately, most of us live a sedentary lifestyle. Is it any wonder that there is a rise in mental health problems in our country?! Explore the mental health benefits of exercise in this post.

Is Being Truthful Easy?

Satya is the second Yama, or yoga ethical guideline. It means truthfulness, but it isn’t exactly what you think. We run old ‘programs’ or stories through our minds everyday and…they aren’t TRUE! They are ideas that have been passed down to us or past emotional reactions to situations that have created beliefs that we believe are true. Mind blown?? Keep exploring by reading the blog.

How to Create Self-Awareness to Live a Balanced Life

Self-awareness, or Svadhyaya, is one of the Niyamas or ethical yogic principles. The practice of self-awareness or self-study is a huge part of my yoga practice. It’s continuous throughout my life. In this post, you will learn why Svadhyaya is one of the best things I discovered during my yoga teacher training and how you can use it to improve your life too.

Journaling for Better Health

For those of you who have followed me for a while, you know that I promote journaling to help release emotions, help work through any issues, and to remind myself how far I have come. This post shares the mental and physical benefits of journaling along with some helpful tips to get you started.

Using Tapas (Discipline) to Create New Habits

This was originally posted on January 14th, 2023 so it is a good read to help propel you into the new year, especially if you have a specific goal in mind. Tapas is your inner fire or your self-discipline. Motivation will only get you so far, but Tapas helps you to focus and create the life you want.

Thank you for your continued support and reading this review of the top blog posts of 2023. I hope you have a wonderful end to 2023 and an amazing start to 2024!

Much love and health,


Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook or Instagram @shiftedarrow.

Start 2024 off with Self-Study!

If you would like a program to start off the 2024, visit and check out my 21 day course-Release, Reconnect, & Renew.

I am so excited to share this 21-day digital course that I have created for you. WARNING: this course is not an exercise program! This is an opportunity to use yoga tools like asana (yoga sequences), meditation, pranayama (breathing techniques), and journaling to:

  • Reconnect with yourself (in less than 30 minutes a day)
  • To learn yogic practices to help release your stress & anxiety
  • To create a habit of self-care and self-inquiry
  • To move your body to ground and, also, release your energy depending on which you may need

By the end of the course, you will have a whole ‘toolbelt’ of yogic practices to use in your life to help you feel:

  • Lighter and freer in your mind, body, and spirit
  • More in tune with your wants, desires, and needs
  • Empowered

Click HERE to try the first 3 days for FREE!